35th IGC 2017 Windhoek, Namibia

Location and Working Hours
Windhoek, NamibiaIGC 2017: Windhoek, Namibia
Dear colleagues of IGC,
It is our great pleasure to host the 35th International Gemmological Conference in Windhoek, Namibia.
The spectacular landscape, the species-richness of wildlife and the variety of cultures and traditions make Namibia a very popular country to visit. For gemmologists Namibia is of highest interest because of its unique geology, mineral resources and gemstone potential. IGC is an important platform for distinguished gemmologists from all over the world to present and discuss their latest research works but also to cultivate friendship within the gemmological family. It is our great desire to thank the local organizer Andreas Palfi for his extraordinary work to realize the IGC in Namibia.
The organizers of 35th International Gemmological Conference wish you an exciting and memorable conference.
Dr. Ulrich Henn, Prof. Dr. Henry A. Hänni, Andreas G. Palfi MSc

Safari Hotels
Windhoek (Namibia)
Friday 13rd October
8.00 – 8.45 Executive Committee (EXECO) Meeting, Flamingo Room No. 2, Safari Hotel
Session 3 Corundum – Chairman: Karl Schmetzer
9.00 – 9.20 Terrence Coldham: An Examination of the Morphology of Grains of Crystalline Corundum from Lava Plains Northern Queensland; A Rare Example of an “in situ” Pyroclastic Sapphire Deposit
9.20 – 9.40 Franck Notari, Emmanuel Fritsch, Candice Caplan, Thomas Hainschwang: Are Boehmite Needles in Corundum Rose Channels?
9.40 – 10.00 Shane F. McClure: Sapphire Mining in Montana
10.00 – 10.20 W. Atichat, J. Jakkawanvibul, M. Maneekrajangsaeng, T. Sripoonjan, T. Leelawatanasuk, V. Pisutha-Arnond, N. Narudeesombat, P. Chanthayod, B. Sriprasert: Padparadscha Color Grading for Gem Trade
10.20 – 11.10 Coffee Break
Session 4 Diamond – Chairman: Emmanuel Fritsch
11.10 – 11.30 Hiroshi Kitawaki, Kentaro Emori, Mio Hisanaga, Masahiro Yamamoto: Two Kinds of Synthetic Diamonds Having Features Similar to Natural Diamonds
11.30 – 11.50 R. Serov, Y. Shelementiev, A. Serova: Hybrid Diamonds: Natural Diamonds Overgrown with CVD Synthetic
11.50 – 12.10 Rainer Schultz-Güttler: Skins, Stains, Spots and Ruts: Green Diamonds from Brazil
12.10 – 12.30 Andy H. Shen, Tay Thye Sun, Ye Luo, J.T. van Gorsel, Mega Rosana Fatimah, Tay Kunming, Wilyanto Deng: Kalimantan Diamonds from Landak: Gemmological Characteristics, FTIR and Photoluminescence Spectroscopy
12.30 - 14.00 Lunch at Welwitschia Restaurant, Safari Hotel
14.00 - 17.00 Poster Session Exhibition and sale of Namibian minerals and gemstones by small-scale miners, gemstone auction, Namibian jewellery exhibition Organized by Industry Growth Strategy (IGS) for the Gemstone and Jewellery Industry of Namibia
18.30 – 22.00 Dinner at Joe’s Beerhouse, Windhoek
Saturday 14th October
Session 5 Spinel, Tourmaline, Garnet – Chairman: Gamini Zoysa
9.00 – 9.20 Jayshree Panjikar, Aatish Panjikar: Study and Investigation of Spinel from Kermunda in Odisha, India
9.20 – 9.40 Cheng-Si Wang, Andy H. Shen: Reversibility of Photoluminescence Spectra of Spinel with Heat Treatment
9.40 – 10.00 Claudio C. Milisenda, Stefan Müller: REE Photoluminescence in Paraìba Type Tourmaline from Mozambique
10.00 – 10.20 Karl Schmetzer, H. Albert Gilg, Ulrich Schüssler, Jayshree Panjikar: Origin Determination of Garnets: Search for Historical Trade Routes
10.20 – 11.10 Coffee Break
Session 6 Corundum – Chairlady: Willow Wight
11.10 – 11.30 J.C. (Hanco) Zwaan, Leo M. Kriegsman, Jorien L.N. van der Wal, Richard J.M. Taylor, E. Gamini Zoysa: Characterization and Formation of ‘Metamorphic’ Sapphires – Examples from Sri Lanka
11.30 – 11.50 E. Zoysa Gamini, Liu Shang I, Edward, Arūnas Kleišmantas: Preliminary Report on New Corundum Deposits of Sri Lanka
11.50 – 12.10 Sutas Singbamroong, Aisha Rashid Almazrooei, Nazar Ahmed: Lead Glass-Filled Padparadscha
12.10 – 12.30 Seung Kwon Lee, Kiran Kwon: Raman Study for Heat-Treated Sapphires Based on the Structural Relaxation by Impurities and Thermal Energy
12.30 - 14.00 Lunch at Welwitschia Restaurant, Safari Hotel
Session 7 Investigation Techniques – Chairman: Hanco Zwaan
14.00 – 14.20 Michael. S. Krzemnicki, Hao A. O. Wang, Walter A. Balmer, Jean-Pierre Chalain, Pierre Lefèvre, Wei Zhou, and Laurent Cartier, Henry A. Hänni: GemTOF: A New and Highly Versatile Method to Analyse Trace Elements and Isotopes of Gemstones and Pearls
14.20 – 14.40 Kentaro Emori, Hiroshi Kitawaki: Identification of Natural and Synthetic Amethyst Using Multivariate Analysis
14.40 – 15.00 Masaki Furuya: The Efficiency and Limitation of the Phosphorescence Imaging for Screening Current Melee Sized Synthetic Diamonds
15.00 – 15.20 Bahareh Shirdam, Soheila Aslani: Origin determination of Iran Excellent-Quality Turquoise Based on Trace Element Analysis Using ICP-MS and Micro XRF 35th IGC 2017 – Windhoek, Namibia 11 C
15.20 – 15.50 Coffee Break 15.50 Poster Session 19.00 – 22.00 Gala Dinner at Omatako Room 2, Safari Court Conference Centre
Sunday 15th October
Session 8 Pearls and Amber – Chairman: Tay Thye Sun
9.00 – 9.20 Nick Sturman, Areeya Manustrong, Kwanruen Lawanwong, Promlikit Kessrapong, Nanthaporn Somsa-ard, Artitaya Homkrajae: “Golden” Pinctada Maxima Non-Bead Cultured Pearls with an Emphasis on their Internal Structures
9.20 – 9.40 Stefanos Karampelas, Abeer Tawfeeq Al-Alawi, Ali Al-Attawi, Kenneth Scarratt: Natural Pearls Found from Pinctada Radiata in the Kingdom of Bahrain: Characteristic Structures, Comparison and Identification
9.40 – 10.00 Elisabeth Strack: Past and Present Situation of Freshwater Pearls from North Western Russia
10.00 – 10.20 Liu Shang I, Edward: Feather and Insect Inclusions in Burmese Amber and its Impact on Origin Determination
10.20 – 10.50 Coffee Break
Session 9 Miscellaneous – Chairman: John Saul
11.10 – 11.30 Willow Wight: Ammolite, Canada’s Unique Fossil Gemstone
11.30 – 11.50 Anette Juul-Nielsen, Arent Heilmann: A Gemstone Occurrence Map for Greenland
11.50 – 12.10 Stephen Kennedy, Jens Najorka: Imitations of Tianhuang and Shoushan sSones
12.10 – 12.30 Çiğdem Lüle: Gemological Terminology issues: An Ongoing Battle…
12.30 - 14.00 Lunch at Welwitschia Restaurant, Safari Hotel Session 10 Beryl, Cordierite, Jade – Chairman: Ulrich Henn
14.00 – 14.20 Klaus Schollenbruch, Lore Kiefert, Klemens Link, Tewodros Sintayehu: Gem Quality Emeralds from Ethiopia
14.20 – 14.40 Karen E. Fox, Chris Yakymchuk: Canadian Gem-Grade Cordierite
14.40 – 15.00 Ahmadjan Abduriyim, Kazuko Saruwatari, Yusuke Katsurada: Jadeite Jade from Japan: Its History, Gemmology and Comparison with Jadeite from other Sources
15.00 – 15.40 Coffee Break
15.40 – 16.40 Closing Ceremony, Namib Room 1, Safari Hotel
19.00 – 21.00 Buffet Dinner at Acacia Restaurant, Safari Court Hotel
- Daniel Barchewitz: GemRam for Simple Gem ID
- Laurent E. Cartier, Michael S. Krzemnicki, H.A.O. Wang, Henry A. Hänni: Traceability of Gemstones: Challenges and Opportunities
- Gagan Choudhary: AquapraseTM: An Interesting Green-Blue Variety of Chalcedony
- Henry A. Hänni, Leander Franz, Wei Zhou: Sannan-Skarn: a New Ornamental Gemstone from Pakistan
- Arūnas Kleišmantas, Gamini E. Zoysa, Edward Liu Shang I: Chemistry and Gemmological Features of Spinels from Sri Lanka and Vietnam
- Michael Krzemnicki, Hao A. O. Wang, Tom Stephan, Ulrich Henn: Cobalt Diffusion-Treated Spinel
- Leander Franz, Michael Krzemnicki, Kristina Ernst, Christian de Capitani, George E. Harlow, Nicolai Kouznetsov: Kosmochlor-Bearing Jadeite Rocks from Kenterlau-Itmurundy (Lake Balkhash, Kazakhstan)
- Thanong Leelawatasuk, Tasnara Sripoonjan, Namrawee Susawee, Pornsawat Wathanakul, Visut Pisutha-Arnond: Rare Fancy Sapphires from Bo Phloi Gem Field, Kanchanaburi, Western Thailand
- Thanapong Lhuaamporn, Saengthip Saengbuangamlam, Nataya Nilhud, Thanong Leelawatanasuk: Characteristics of Exceptionally Gem-Quality Untreated Blue Sapphires from Bo-Phloi Gemfield, Kanchanaburi-Thailand
- John M. Saul: Transparent Gemstones and the Most Recent Supercontinent Cycle
- Andy H. Shen, Cuihong Liu, Tian Shao, Min Ye: Color Origin of Color-Changing Diaspore from Turkey
- Jian Mao, Elizabeth Su: Research of Jadeite Inclusions: Graphite and Zircon
- Panjawan Thanasuthipitak, Kanyarat Kwansirikul, Weerapan Srichan, Phisit Limtrakun, Opor Saidum and Theerapongs Thanasuthipitak: Gem Materials from Upper Northern Thailand: Potential in Jewellery