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Abstracts Library
Additional Observations on Unstable Color in Padparadscha Sapphires
For the past few years laboratories have been testing the color stability of padparadscha sapphires. It became an issue because we realized that the orange color in some pads was u
Past, Present and the Future of IGC
Exactly, seventy-one years ago, in the month of October, to be precise from the 23rd to the 25th of October 1952 in Lugano, Switzerland, the inaugural meeting of the International
Irradiation treatment and gamma-spectroscopy of morganite
The pink variety of beryl, morganite, is one of the most popular orangey-pink to pink gemstones. Its colour is attributed to manganese, both Mn2+ and Mn3+ (Nassau & Wood, 1968, Woo
Quantitative estimation of spinel’s thermal and geothermal history by photoluminescence spectroscopy and its application in spinel origin determination
The thermal history of spinel can not only be used to distinguish the natural spinel from heated and synthetic ones, but also to reveal that the spinel underwent different geologic
Baltic amber and its inclusions: an insight into the origin and nature of the trapped material
Amber is a fossilised resin from ancient trees (coniferous and deciduous), which underwent the process of fossilisation in various epochs and depositional environments. Until the p
Milky appearance of Geuda sapphire from Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka is famous for gems since several thousand years. Almost corundum varieties have been found in Sri Lanka including the rough of Geuda which has also given considerable att
Snapshot of rubies from 1915
In 2008 the Honourable Mary Montagu Scott oversaw the opening of a permanent exhibition at Buckler’s Hard Maritime Museum on the Beaulieu Estate about the steamship SS Persia (Fi
Quartz crystals from alpine fissures: their formation and the historical significance of alpine quartz as raw material for objets d’art
The central Alps, especially the central granite massifs (Aar Massif, Gotthard Massif, Mont Blanc Massif) in Switzerland and adjacent France are known since ancient times for their
Gemological and Luminescence Characteristics of Taaffeites from Mogok, Myanmar
Taaffeite is a rare gem that has been found in different localities such as Tanzania, Sri Lanka, China, and Mogok, Myanmar. Systematic research on the taaffeite from Mogok, Myanmar
Blue shortwave luminescence of gems: the role of titanate groups
The purpose of this study is to describe Blue Shortwave-UV excited Luminescence (BSL) in gems and related materials, and demonstrate the role of titanate groups in a number of gems
Rose Quartz: Journey Into the Nano-Jungle
Massive rose quartz is a readily available mineral ranging in colour from pink to salmon- or lavender-pink (Figure 1). Given its popularity in the market, it might be assumed that
Treated jadeite-jade: Unusually bright fancy colours
Jadeite-jade is a precious ornamental stone that has been valued as the topmost decorative stone and has been used in jewelry, carvings, and other ornamental objects by many cultur
Diamonds and synthetic diamonds
Diamond is historically one of the most important gemstones, in terms of value, use and general appreciation. Diamonds were generally formed relatively early in the Earth’s Histo
Colour varieties of gems – where to set the boundary?
In theory it is simple: a gemstone is a mineral formed in nature by geological processes and, as such, it has a mineralogical name that is scientifically defined and accepted by th
Gemmological studies of “Hybrid Diamond” (Natural + CVD synthetics)
Size and quality of CVD synthetic diamonds for jewelry market have been improved over the years, and various fancy colour CVD diamonds have also been produced. In addition, overgro
Applications of Python for Spectroscopic Data Processing, Analysis and Machine Learning Modeling in Gemmology
Python, a powerful programming tool with extensive scientific computing capabilities, is being increasingly utilized in gemmological science. It is particularly well-suited for pro
Mechanism and Application of High-Temperature Copper Diffusion in Surface Recoloring of Labradorites
Feldspar, with the chemical formula of [KAlSi3 O8 ]x[NaAlSi3 O8 ]y[CaAl2 Si2 O8 ]z (x + y + z = 100), is one of the most important rock-forming minerals in the earth’s crust, and
Analysis of Myanmar golden-lipped cultured pearls using X-ray radiography, EDXRF, UV-Vis-NIR and Raman spectroscopy
Myanmar golden-lipped pearl oysters (Pinctada maxima) are well-known to be found at the Myeik Archipelago – formerly also known as Mergui Archipelago – in the Andaman Sea in so
A brief history of synthetic diamond researches in Japan
Research on diamond synthesis started in early 1960s in Japan, following GE’s success in 1955. The research was most active between 1980 and 2000 in Japan, triggered by success i
Effects of weathering on FTIR spectra and origin traceability of archaeological amber: The case of the Han Tomb of Haihun Marquis, China
Amber (fossil resin), known as the “capsule of time and space”, which is a complex biogenic polymer originated from ancient plants resin from different geological periods [1].
Additional Observations on Unstable Color in Padparadscha Sapphires
For the past few years laboratories have been testing the color stability of padparadscha sapphires. It became an issue because we realized that the orange color in some pads was u
Past, Present and the Future of IGC
Exactly, seventy-one years ago, in the month of October, to be precise from the 23rd to the 25th of October 1952 in Lugano, Switzerland, the inaugural meeting of the International
Irradiation treatment and gamma-spectroscopy of morganite
The pink variety of beryl, morganite, is one of the most popular orangey-pink to pink gemstones. Its colour is attributed to manganese, both Mn2+ and Mn3+ (Nassau & Wood, 1968, Woo
Quantitative estimation of spinel’s thermal and geothermal history by photoluminescence spectroscopy and its application in spinel origin determination
The thermal history of spinel can not only be used to distinguish the natural spinel from heated and synthetic ones, but also to reveal that the spinel underwent different geologic
Baltic amber and its inclusions: an insight into the origin and nature of the trapped material
Amber is a fossilised resin from ancient trees (coniferous and deciduous), which underwent the process of fossilisation in various epochs and depositional environments. Until the p
Milky appearance of Geuda sapphire from Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka is famous for gems since several thousand years. Almost corundum varieties have been found in Sri Lanka including the rough of Geuda which has also given considerable att